each lovely thing

sharing the joys of life in each lovely thing

the magic of early mornings



At 5:45am my alarm went off. No, I didn’t set it up. This one is my little rascal, that showers me with kisses and stands on top of me until I move.

She is a determined one.

I take the heed and start my morning. Early mornings are when I thrive. My head is light, my brain is on fire, and I get the cleaning bug.

Does anyone else?

At 6am on almost any given day you’ll find me doing all sorts of productive things.

.. this morning I finally organized my storage closet.

.. Sunday I started laundry and scrubbed the kitchen.

.. Monday I organized all my other closets in the house.

.. most days I do dishes and make sure the kitchen/dining area is clean.

Early mornings I sit down on my computer. Cereal bowl in hand, cat on my lap, and check out everything: emails, Facebook, etsy, blog.

I take time to connect, to read, to empathize. Soon enough I’ll be getting up, showering and heading to work. Feeling all sorts of accomplished and ready for my day.

At night Andrea is gone. When I come home from work it’s PJ time. Please don’t ask me to clean, or cook. I can’t stand it.

All I want to do is watch tv, and somehow find dinner ready.

When is your thriving moment? Are you an early bird like me, or a night owl?

Author: Andrea T

Happily married to the sweetest guy, mother to a furry kitten, lover of all things shiny and sparkly. Quirky, girly and passionate about illustration and design.

40 thoughts on “the magic of early mornings

  1. I used to be a morning person before having my daughter. But late nights and middle of the night feedings/changings make it hard for this mommy to get up and go. Not until I have had my tea anyways. I am middle of the morning type gal. When breakfast is over, my little one is dressed and I can sit down, drink tea and catch up on my blog work.


    • oh I can imagine my routine will change and I will have to adapt once we expand our family. At that point I’ll probably write “the magic of bathroom breaks” cause these will be the only things I will have.


  2. I do most of my exercising in the morning because it puts me in such a good mood otherwise I would feel off for the rest of the day


    • i always prefer to exercise in the morning too! I hope I get up early enough tomorrow to do so. I was such a bum in the colder months and there’s no excuse anymore!


  3. I am 100% a morning person! I do wish my job hours started a little later so I could pack even more into my mornings. By the time I get home at night, I am totally done. You’re right, there is something so magical about a quiet early morning. I love the feeling of being up when everyone else in my house is asleep.


    • Hear, hear! Mornings are the best. The only reasons I wouldn’t have my work start later (it already starts at 10am), is cause there’s no way I’d like to finish after 8pm. Nope!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Mornings are just wonderful! To my comfort, I’m a morning as well as a night person! Studying, reading or writing is really great at such times with no one around. :)


  5. I have to be at work at 5 am, so I have to be a morning person. I wish some days i could use that energy to get things done in my life. I do wake up early on weekends by default, and those are usually my favorite times of the week.


    • oh, my. at 5pm there? You’re a better person than me! I can’t imagine that.. At least you enjoy waking up early weekends.. My husband is a firm believer weekends are for sleeping in (even though he wakes up mostly after 10am most days).. hahaha


  6. my mornings start at 6 by my actual alarm clock. But on the weekends its different lol Its always busy for me so i can definitely relate. But i’m an early bird.


    • early birds, unite. I don’t think you have to be up at 6am.. I think even 8-9 is still considered early, right? I wish I could enjoy weekends a bit more.. Because I’m always tired super early.. I’m such an old lady!


  7. omg I am a night owl through and through! 5:45 ick yuck I just went to bed 2 hours ago! Hahahah
    I think it’s because I worked back shift for many years and now I still get stuck in the up all night habit. I’m trying to break it! I would love to be a morning person :)))


    • you’re more like my husband… Sometimes I wake up at 2am and he’s still up doing his things.. I could never! Maybe with a bunch of sugary things to keep me going.. haha I would love to go past 10pm without dragging myself.. if I could send you a bit of me early bird-ness I would!


  8. I wish I was as productive as you! I am a night owl but with a little one chase all day I get tired (or maybe it is age catching up with me) I always feel so productive when I get up before her and drink coffee and blog or read, I just have a problem with the getting up part…. my husband gets my up sometimes but I am not very nice about it :( my family called me Oscar the Grouch when I was little and they woke me up.


    • I’m going to pretend my tiredness at 10pm has nothing to do with the approaching 30s… haha I can tell you for sure my routine will be all over the place when we do have our little one.. I have a trick with my husband.. I usually have to wake him up with breakfast in bed (a simple cereal bowl will do) and he’s more inclined to be in a happy mood. Sundays are scary to get him up for church. lol


  9. I’m so much of a night owl but think that needs to change, the summer mornings are so wonderful – it’s warm and I would love to get up with the sun!


    • summer mornings are the best. If I drank coffee I’d be going outside and sitting on the porch with that. As it is, I enjoy the beautiful light out of my windows and I’m happy enough.


  10. I envy you for being able to get so much done in the morning. I am working on my sleeping pattern to do just that, wake up early get everything done and head to work. I would love the feeling of accomplishment early in the day, it would be mood booster! Besides your mommy, you are like super mom!

    Gema from belovedgems.org


    • Oh, I’m just a fur mommy. I only have a cat at the moment (I refer to her as my little rascal). So it’s easy enough. I’m sure once we expand the family this will drastically change. It is wonderful though to feel so accomplished in the morning. It definitely sets the pace for the rest of the day


  11. I so want to become a morning person..maybe one day!


  12. I wish I was that productive!! I’m getting better at having a rough schedule but it’s hard with a four month old. it’s journey :)


  13. I used to hate mornings! I’m starting to love the early mornings more and more. It helps that I have 2 little ones now. I enjoy the quiet before the hectic day gets started.


  14. I hate mornings but I don’t mind waking up early to do things I like… like blogging!


  15. Ugh, sooooo not a morning person! But, the hour in which I wake up and/or go to bed is not determined by me anymore (and won’t be for a while I suppose) since having my second child just 6 weeks ago :( Sometimes it’s 5am, today it was 6am. And, If I want to get ANY sleep at all I hit the hay when the baby does (anywhere between 9pm-10pm). So…that leaves NO PERSONAL TIME for me in the mornings or at night. Before her, I used to blog, email and browse social media at night. The mornings were used to eat breakfast and drink coffee in peace while catching up on my Bloglovin’ feed and checking Zulily’s daily deals…all before my 3 year old woke up (which is usually between 8am-9am). I’m super envious of those with free time right now. I know I’ll slowly get mine back, but I do so miss it! And dang girl, you sound so on top of things! Good for you for getting shit done! -Misty


    • oh i’m not either. There are mornings that I waste by the computer just blogging and watching youtube videos. Most of them, though I try to get something done. But that’s because I don’t have a baby yet. I know when I do I’ll be at the mercy of the little one so I’m trying to get as much done as I can. Sleep sounds SO much more important.. Hopefully you’ll get some personal time back soon.


  16. I feel you..but personally don’t like getting up early. .I feel more energized during the afternoon


  17. I love this post.. It’s so raw and real. I am not a morning or a night person..lol I wish I was a morning person. I truly try but I just cant do it. I love to organize stuff. its a stress reliever for me and so is cleaning. i try to do it all in weekends but I am starting to think maybe if i spread it out throughout the week it’ll be better.


    • To be honest sometimes I go on these crazy organizing modes.. It just makes my life better to know I’m organized.. But I’m not as organized as I can be. I try to have weekends for cleaning the house and hanging out. :)


  18. I love those early morning moments too! Now, I have a rambunctious toddler keeping me company so I’m not quite as productive…


    • haha have you seen the video where the mom is organizing the baby’s drawers and all the baby does is take everything out? haha it’s great! that would be the story of my life. I’m so ocd I will have the hardest time accepting that my child won’t keep things clean. hahaha

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  19. I feel like im both. I used to be a night owl before kids but im still not a morning person lol! MUST HAVE COFFEE LOL


    • haha i don’t like coffee (I know, right?!) but a bowl of cereal is all the fuel I need in the am. I wish I could push into nights a bit more.. or get more than 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I feel like i wake myself up just because.. Today I was up at 5:30am and had nothing to do until 8am.. go figure! I went right ahead to more cleaning.. haha


  20. While I hate the actual waking up part, I’m always so glad when I wake up early!


  21. I’m a huge morning person! Like you, I love the feeling I get when a lot of stuff gets done early on leaving the rest of the day for fun and relaxation! New follower :)


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